Make a Payment
Please use this form to make a payment for name tags, weddings and parish events.
(See also Giving to St John's).
Strategic Planning
Parish Governance and Administration
Financial Delegations Policy and Appendix 1: Authorities, Controls and Delegation Limits
Keying Policy and key map
Reference Documents
Conservation Management Plan 2015 - Significant Structures (Part A)
Conservation Management Plan 2015 - Significant Structures (Part B)
Baptisms in the Parish of St John the Baptist, Canberra (1845-1915)
Marriages in the Parish of St John the Baptist, Canberra (1845-1939)
Sermon reference notes
Strategic Planning
Parish Governance and Administration
Giving to St John's
Parishioners are encouraged to express their partnership in our ministry by setting up regular, automatic bank transfers using the following bank details:
BSB Number: 702 389
Account Number: 05209450
Account Name: St John the Baptist Reid
Additionally, tax deductible donations can be made online to our Heritage Fund (to care for the upkeep of our site), and St John's Care (our charitable arm).