Christianity Bootcamp
Interested in exploring some of the bigger questions of life? ‘Bootcamp’ is an annual program of teaching sessions (held approximately monthly) which provides an in-depth introduction to Christian belief, prayer and living. It is primarily geared towards enquirers, new Christians or those seeking baptism/confirmation. Topics covered can be found here.
St John's hosts semi-regular public seminars, exploring a variety of topics from a Christian perspective. For more information, contact Rev'd Andrew.
St John's Care
St John’s Care (SJC) offers practical support to people in need. It is one way as a faith community we put our faith into work and concrete action. Volunteering at SJC offers hands-on opportunities for people to work for the sake of others.
Mums’ Bible Reading
The group meets on Thursday mornings from 9.30–11.00 am during the school term. Infants and toddlers are welcome. Enquiries: Mary de Lautour.
Mainly Music
Mainly Music is an opportunity for young children and their parents or carers to participate in a fun, thirty-minute music session followed by refreshments. Mainly Music Music takes place on Wednesdays in school terms from 10–11.30am. Enquiries: Mary de Lautour.
Young Blokes' Bible Study
For men 18-25-ish. Meeting in Campbell area 4.30pm most Mondays. Ask Rev'd Andrew for further details.
St John’s enjoys a long tradition of musical excellence. Our choir is a four part choir that sings at various services, including our monthly Choral Evensong at 5pm on the second Sunday of the month. Extra voices are always welcome. To find out more, visit here.
St John’s Schoolhouse Museum
The St John’s Schoolhouse Museum is Canberra’s first schoolhouse. If you are interested in volunteering as a guide, please contact us.
Gardening and Grounds
There are many opportunities to assist with mowing, weeding or gardening during the week. In addition, we have a fun working bee on the first Saturday of the month from 8.30am to 10am. Morning tea is provided.
Bell Ringing
Our bells are rung joyfully before and after many of our services, including weddings, and on significant national and church celebrations. New ringers are always welcome. We hold an open tower on the first Sunday of every month at 5-6pm, when members of the public are welcome to drop in and have a go.
Friends of St John’s
There are many people in Canberra who have a personal or family association with St John’s who want to support the work of the parish. The Friends of St John’s exists to bind together the many diverse people who love this place and wish to strengthen its community life. The ‘Friends’ support the work of the parish, help raise funds, and frequently organise distinguished guest speakers to events.
Cuppacomalong is a social gathering open to anyone in the parish. Join us for afternoon tea from 2-4pm on the fourth Monday of the month in the Robertson Room.
Flower Power
Flowers bring life and colour to our worship spaces and are a continual reminder of the wonder of the natural world created by God. No formal training is necessary to participate.
Sacristan & Sanctuary Team
The team serves on a monthly basis assisting the clergy in all aspects of our church services.
Sidespersons serve at our Sunday services, welcoming worshippers and helping the behind the scenes to ensure things run smoothly.
Get Involved
There are lots of ways for you to get involved in the life of our church – in service, small groups and worship. If you would like to learn more about any of these activities, please contact us.
For upcoming events and latest notices, please see our weekly newsletter (linked at bottom of page).